D'oril. Beginning the Journey

D'oril.  Beginning the Journey

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Setting a goal or two...

     Yeesh...  February already.  I'm working an overtime shift on a saturday, and as is usual, my thoughts are elsewhere when I'm on a break.  After whacking the side of my head to get off the imaginings of poipu beach sand and a umbrella decorated mai-tai, I settled in on considering the spring projects.  Ouch.  Change the channel, quick...

     Plan B, muse about goals.  I'm not ready to choose a deadline for finishing Imperfect Hope yet, other than reminding myself daily that "I will finish it...  I will finish it..."  Instead, I'm putting some thought into fitness, both physical and mental. 

     Since we've started working with Charity (personal trainer and part time whip cracker), I've noticed a considerable increase in energy and strength.  Balance is coming back, and the weight is slowly starting to come back down after an ugly summer and fall.  Time to set some targets.

     I'd like to climb Longs Peak (again, but finish this time) .  I know I'm not physically ready for that challenge right now, so we need to set some interim goals.  My idea is to target a 12'000 foot peak for June, and a 13'000 footer for July.  That gives us until May to build our stamina on other trails, as they open up in the spring.  Let's see how the spring goes, though...

     Imperfect Hope remains my primary goal, writing wise.  I will see what kind of writing schedule I can keep to this spring.  Ideally, I'll finish the first draft by early summer, and take a bit of a break before starting the rewrite.  Right now I'm building steam as I get Randir out of a coma caused by too intensive healing and drop the hints about getting him back to a krath healer to undo the shadow knife damage.  Cerryn, in typical fashion, is focused on finding the culprit who attempted to assassinate her, and failed only because of Randir's overextension.  Meanwhile, the agent of the empire tries to get his plan back on track after being foiled at Mud Bay...

     Finally, I may be starting up a collaberative blog later this spring.  I won't name names yet, since I'm still working on the details of what/who/how/when, but I'll let you know more as it comes along.  As always, more to come.....

Clear skies,

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