D'oril. Beginning the Journey

D'oril.  Beginning the Journey

Thursday, October 18, 2007

More Kauai

A little more travelogue. A little less pontification.

Kauai is home to the Kauai coffee company. Most people think of hawaiian coffee and think Kona. Did you know, though, that so little "kona" is grown on the big island, that most "kona" coffees are just blends, requiring only 10% kona to qualify as a kona blend. That's not to suggest that kona blends aren't good, just that it's not all you're cracking it up to be.

The Kauai Coffee Company (http://www.kauaicoffee.com/) is the largest coffee plantation in Hawaii. They sell both green (unroasted) beans, and several varieties of roasts, depending on the harvest.

It's good.

We toured the plantation, saw some of their acreage including beans about ready to harvest, sampled several of their recent roasts, and sent gifts to all the kids. Now we're waiting patiently for our first order from the coffee of the month club to arrive. Mmmmm.....


As to writing this week, I've been reviewing tips/hints and stuff from a couple of the books I"d read earlier this year, and taking a hard look at my possible writing schedules. I'm going to schedule writing like a part time job, but I'll probably start pretty slowly, and build to a sustainable level. One challenge is keeping everything else together, I have a healthy to do list for this fall, and we're heading in to the holiday season. Add in work and the inevitable fatigue, and I've got to be careful to avoid burning out. (scary to think how close I was to that 4 weeks ago.) So this weekend, I'm gearing up with some writing exercises, and trying to decide where to restart. Tonight, the exercise will be to write a page or so on a very brief glimpse of a group of people I saw somewhere, a bus, or street, or something..... Wish me luck.....

Clear skies,

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