D'oril. Beginning the Journey

D'oril.  Beginning the Journey

Thursday, October 11, 2007

He's Back

There is an incredible truth to the statement, "We really needed this vacation". Never was this more clear to me than after returning from Kauai, I realized how far down the rat hole I'd fallen. Comparing myself before and after is enlightening, I see how stress and dis-ease (hyphen purposefully inserted, more on that later) quietly overwhelm without giving any overt clues that it is happening. It's like the proverbial frog in a stew pot, put him in hot water and he'll jump out, recognizing that it's bad, but put him in cold water, then slowly raise the tempurature, and chances are, the frog won't realize it's too hot until it's too late: frog soup.

So, what do I do with this re-created me? (there's that pesky hyphen again. what in the world does it mean?) For one, a ton of writing ideas flooded in, everything from how to tie several pieces of the D'oril saga together, to a macro-scale idea for the legendary history of D'oril and how I can use it in the tales I've been dancing around with. New characters floated around, as well as improvements on the ones I'd already started on. It'll all start flowing together as I put my writing schedule back on the table.

In the meantime, where am I now. Essentially, I stopped all writing efforts from a couple of weeks before we left for Kauai, giving myself a mental break from this new job, until now. Today at work, I reopened Imperfect Hope and reread the first draft of chapter 1, I resisted efforts to start editing right away. I"m going to let it mull around in my brain stew for a day or so, while I review my overal plot and notes. Then, who knows.

Writing, however, feels good again. Wish me luck.

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