D'oril. Beginning the Journey

D'oril.  Beginning the Journey

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

And He's off!

First draft began yesterday for Imperfect hope. (after 2 false starts that were identified as false when I realized I was underprepared with background and setup.) I have to admit, I stared at the blank page for 20+ minutes before I started writing, and the manner in which it started wasn't quite what I expected. But that has happened before. My rough outline is only a guideline, As I write, I self-edit. In this case, I found motivations for the characters in the first scene that I hadn't thought of, and those motivations altered the characters actions. It makes a lot more sense when you read it, but... First drafts aren't for reading... Yet.

Anyway. I feel like I'm off to a good start. Now to keep the enthusiasm.

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