D'oril. Beginning the Journey

D'oril.  Beginning the Journey

Sunday, September 2, 2012

7 months to go...

Here we are in september already.  Guess I'll start a countdown, 7 months to retirement.  Barring any surprises, my last day as an air traffic controller will be march 31st, next year.  Guess what...  I'll be ready...

It's silly season again, political ads are spewing filth all over the place.  Despite the fact that almost nothing you see or hear from either side tells you anything useful except what a despicable character the opponent is or makes vague, unattainable promises, there are those who believe what they see and hear as "TRUTH".  Bad enough we get it from paid advertisements on television, worse that our "unlisted" phone gets bombarded with "unknown" recorded messages that bark inanities to our answering machine.  (note to any political's reading this, if the number shows up as unknown or blocked, we don't answer, and chances are the message will be deleted seconds into the recording.  (Oh wait, a political reading...  not gonna happen...))

The latest recorded message to hit our phone, played by both sides, is a fake town hall meeting, where you supposedly get to hear a broadcast of a live town meeting, and perhaps if you're lucky and answer the phone, you can ask the candidate a real question.  Except it's baldly plain it's merely another recording.  What's really annoying about this, however, is that it ties up my phone line for several minutes of some nim-null blathering on about bull****.  It's not easy to get them off your line, either, if you pick up the phone and hang it back up, somehow it remains connected, and minutes later, if you try and use your phone, ta-daa, they're still blathering...

Another exceedingly annoying part of this years campaign are the non-stop "status updates" on facebook.  Okay, it's your right to like either candidate.  I'd really rather not have you re-post political propaganda that I have to then go in and block from showing up on my page.  The problem is, in most cases, it's pure party propaganda, the same unsubstantiated rumor/half-truth/lie that is getting broadcast on TV or spewed into the answering machine of my home phone.  If the info being shared were anything other than leftist or rightist propaganda, I might read it.  I won't read/listen to propaganda from either side.  I don't care if you heard that first lady Michelle Obama has a staff of 22, the most of any first lady (and check out snopes.com to debunk that myth), or that Romney didn't pay taxes for more than 10 years, an unnamed source told me so...(really, an unnamed source?  What about the rumor I heard...  Bleah!)   Junior High School students make up better gossip than that...

Oh the joys of being an independent voter in a battleground state....

Clear skies,


Jeff C said...

I think i am glad to be in Asia to avoid all that... OTOH, your countdown start is truly exciting!

MattH. said...

Ha ha, just about covers it Jim. Funny how lonely it is as a independent when there are more of us then the base on the right or left.

The great silent majority, silent because were to damn busy just trying to get by that we dont worry about the vote until Nov.

And when did actual facts become such a rare creature? A escort will have more luck catching a unicorn, then a journalist will have asking for a straight answer.

Don't like the facts the other side is propagating? fine just go find a media outlet online or cable that will cater to your pocket universe view be it left or right! God forbid there actually be a source of friggen news about the Us that is INSIDE the US that you could read without having to filter it.

MattH. said...

oh I forgot to add:


MattH. said...

Tic tick tick.....