D'oril. Beginning the Journey

D'oril.  Beginning the Journey

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Sorry, nothing about the FAA today...

So I want to be a writer... 

All I have to do is rekindle the fire...

For that, I need some matches.  Or a couple of rocks.  That'd be more my style, bang some rocks together until something creative comes out.  Of course, the neighbors will probably look askance if I sit under the willow tree, bashing fist sized quartz cobbles together.  Might be fun, but I'm going to need a scotch or two.  On the rocks (pun intended...)

As long as I'm banging rocks together, let's see what ideas do come out.  Way back when, I outlined a few storylines to work on, eventually I chose Imperfect Hope to work on first.  I did indeed finish the first draft, printed it out, and promised myself a break before getting back into the grind.  I suppose a year and a half is a long enough break.  I've started rereading IH, taking notes on the storyline, and trying to see how much rewrite, as opposed to revision, it's going to need.

I know I touched on it a bit ago, but right off the bat, I can see my opening is weak.  Not so much the writing, but the concept.  What I'd decided way back when I finished the first draft was that I was starting the story as if the readers were already familiar with the protagonists.  In essence, it was as if I was writing the third installment of a three book series, assuming the reader already had "an investment" in the characters.  So...  I did start writing the new origin of the story, untitled and, as yet, without a firm plotline other than a hope to introduce the main characters (and all the background) to the readers in a more involving manner. 

However...  The storyline needs to be developed before I go any further.  So time to get a brainstorm on...

I need a real gully-buster of a brainstorm.  Filled with thunder and lightning, blizzard conditions, maybe a tornado or two...


More to come...

Clear skies, (except, perhaps, in the new project...)


MattH. said...

hmmm somehow your latest blog has been linked to a site called "boken controlers"

Now for a second I thought that was a In-joke reference to frustrated ATC's but it turns out its about gaming and such so there you go.

Very funny coincidence though.

take care, only 28 more days till election

MattH. said...

that site is called "broken controllers" sorry for the spelling

MattH. said...

citizen yet jim?