D'oril. Beginning the Journey

D'oril.  Beginning the Journey

Monday, February 18, 2008

Progress (IV)

Writing progress, part four. (Did you think I was punning on progressive? me? a political statement? Maybe, all I've got to say right now is, Moderate is not a bad word, despite the efforts of both parties, and our good old main stream media, to define it as something else. Anyway, someday I"ll offend half of you out there and discuss the whole moderate/extremist thingy. If MSM has its way, by allowing myself to have an opinion that half of you don't share, I'm setting myself up to be hated.....

Anyway, writing progress. Met all goals this week, even with dumping nearly 2k of word count by letting the inner critic out of it's cage and allowing the tasmanian devil like creature to rewrite one scene. Inner Critic (IC, notice he's capitalized now, does that make him a real person?) didn't like how I had sneaky, dastardly villain number one deal with a plot point, so he dumped the whole scene, and made me rewrite it. The fiend!

In the original scene, he (DV#1) acted directly. When I was working on a later scene, it occurred to me how out of character it was, and I made a note to myself to consider redoing it. In the next scene I was working on, I came up with a solution, but I realized that changing that earlier scene would affect the following sections that DV#1 was in. I started writing with the change in mind, but found myself making note after note of things I'd have to include when I got around to rewriting the earlier scenes, so. Open Cage, let IC out. When the dust settled, old scene gone, replaced with new, hopefully better scene.

So, hopefully IC will quiet down for a while. I have started seeing things that I want to change when I do start revising, adding color and correcting discrepancies, but for now I'm just taking notes and sticking to my plan.

Anyway, milestone 40k words reached. Think I'll celebrate by... Hmmm. Only 110k words to go. Egad, 110k words. Panic attack?

Clear skies,

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