D'oril. Beginning the Journey

D'oril.  Beginning the Journey

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Da Weekend

An interesting week it has been. If you're paying attention to the work in progress tally on the left, you've noted I've added content to Imperfect Hope. Grinding away. I even let my inner critic loose (okay, it escaped, and it took me a couple of hours to put it back in it's cage) on the first few scenes and did some minor revision work. In the meantime, a new project jumped out at me, tentatively titled Ghost Singer. It will take place at the Inn of the Stumbling Friar, and may include some old friends from D'oril, as well as new ones. For now, it's in outline planning stage, and feels like it will be a short story.

SO why am I allowing myself to work on multiple projects? In some ways, I feel I have to. I focus on one project (Imperfect Hope), but often ideas pop up that wouldn't fit in that tale, but carry enough power and interest to require a home for itself. It's my own imperfect hope that I will continue to focus 80% of my energy on Imperfect Hope, the rest split between writing exercise, this blog, and other story ideas that are clamoring to get out of my skull (stop shouting, you'll all get your chance at daylight!)

In the meantime, two other issues raised their heads and hissed at me this week. One, I keep going back to those personality tests, and got to wondering about alter ego's. More specifically, I thought about how most of us in the IFGS play one particular character. My observation had been in the past that what you play tends to be an exaggeration of your own personality, this seems borne out by those PC's and their 'persons' that I know well enough to recognize a little of where they may fit in Myers-Briggs. But... I know that an outsider can't truly label someone in the M-B scheme, some areas I just can't extrapolate. So, an idea has come up.

I'm going to load onto the blog a link to the anonymous MB test, and ask my readers (reader?) to take the test. Then if you're an IFGS'er, then take it a second time, from the point of view of your main character. I'm most curious to see if there is a difference. If you're not an IFGS'er, don't worry. Perhaps you might try answering the questions from the point of view of how you want other people see you, or if you were a heroic-type character. Or just take it the one time.

Then, I'll have 2 polls on the blog. First poll, you can anonymously post your MB rating, then you will have a chance to reenter the data (again, anonymously) for your character if it is different. If you don't mind me knowing your MB data, feel free to email me and tell me about your rating, your character, and what the differences are, in your opinion. I'm really interested in how you might be altering your base personality in order to create (tadaa!) what you consider to be a hero (or heroine).

If I get some data, I'll post again on some of my opinion on characters, personality, and heroism. If I don't, I'll haunt you in your sleep until you respond, or move to New Jersey...

The other issue this week will earn it's own lengthy post tomorrow or Tuesday. I know I"ve promised myself I'd not rant about work here, but this time, I have to. In a nutshell, there was a all-hands briefing I attended on Friday that raised an issue about personal responsibility versus organizational responsibility. I was stunned at the response of some of the people I work with. So, I'll rant tomorrow. Be ready to wear dark sunglasses when you read.....

For now, clear skies

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