D'oril. Beginning the Journey

D'oril.  Beginning the Journey

Monday, August 13, 2007

Write Stuff.

Why in the world am I writing this blog anyway?

One reason is to get my writing joices flowing before I start working on a project. The warm-up effect of this seems to be very tangible, I notice that if I spend 15 minutes or so letting thoughts out on the blog, the writing that follows seems to be more concise, rapid, and creative. Probably like a singer who warms up her voice first, or the athelete who stretches his muscles, I'm warming up my writing voice, stretching my style.

It's more than just getting the fingers flowing quickly on the keyboard, though I admit that is a noticeable effect. Changing my left brain/right brain patterns into a more creative mode seems to take 10 minutes or so. Sometimes more, sometimes less, but I can sense when I'm ready. When writing the blog stops being a "write a sentence, pause and think about what to say next" to "write as quickly as my thoughts can be put down". Once I get into that mode, I know I'm ready to fire up the WordPerfect, and...

And What. That's where the modes vary. Sometimes I go straight into writing, open up the chapter I'm working on and just go. Sometimes I reread what I've done so far, and let my mind wrap around if for a while. I"m not sure which method works better for me, but I suspect in time I'll start to favor one over the other. Then I'll know.....

Anyway. Tonight, I'm working on chapter 2. First scene, Introduce the main Antagonist, Min. He's a schemer, a spy, an assassin, and, he works for the emperor. (chorus of boo's and Hisses!) He's the one who has begun putting the pieces of the Emperor's plot into motion.

His character is complex, if it weren't for who he works for, it might be possible to like him. Oh, and he's manipulative. He stays behind the scenes, pulling strings and pushing buttons, and right now, he's got it all in front of him, everything is coming together just as he planned. (Evil laughter). But.... Fate, and Elorna's hand, will place our heroes across his path, and the battle of wits shall begin.....

(Okay, a bit melodramatic. But, the muse is ready... Wish me luck.....)


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