Well, we've gotten through 8 weeks of ERAM, the new air traffic control radar display system. Is it workable? Yes. Is it good? Bits and pieces of it. Some of the features are an improvement over what we used to use, some are a step backwards in useability. Overall, it's a wash. Nice to know the gov't has spent multi-billion dollars on something that works almost as well as the system it's replacing...
Yes, eventually, when they get all the annoyances, glitches, and bugs out, it will be a good system. However, my work load is increased, right smack in the middle of thunderstorm season, and in an effort to handle the extra workload the new system introduces, we're working more overtime than ever.
(Insert grumpy old man noises here...)
And that's enough about ERAM...
Back to the original reason for this blog, writing. As most of you have probably realized, my writing output this last year and a half has been pretty non-existent. All the usual excuses pop up. However, that doesn't mean I've forgotten about my ultimate goal, writing. Waking up the creative process is underway, despite the challenges of extra time at work. Little writing exercises with a cup of coffee in the morning, perhaps in conjunction with tossing the occasional bran muffin at those blasted squirrels who are starting to take interest in my apples and pears (which should be ripe soon...) Find the right bran muffin, and I'll give a concussion to one of those tree rats... ;-)
At any rate, where to start with writing exercises. Oly the weatherman comes to mind, as does some pre-story for Imperfect Hope. I'll let you know where I start, soon as I figure it out...
Clear skies,
My tweets
- *Wed, 14:58*: Texas Gov. Greg Abbott signs historic legislation to end
rape kit test backlog, combat sex crimes https://t.co/0k6tvDyZak
- *...
5 years ago